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Management & Directors



Mr. Massey is currently the president and CEO of Tasca Resources. He has held directorships and senior management positions with various TSX Venture Exchange listed companies, including CEO of Redhill Resources, Windfire Capital, Aldever Resources, Prescient Mining and Universal Uranium, and has co-ordinated the marketing programs for many successful public companies.



Mr. Helmel has served as CFO and director of several junior mining and early-stage venture companies within the Canadian capital markets, including Lateral Gold Corp., Fandom Sports Media Corp., Tasca Resources Ltd., Giyani Gold Corp. and Windfire Capital Corp. Mr. Helmel focuses on corporate governance, private to public market transitions, the development of senior management teams and corporate growth strategies.



Mr. Hyland brings more than 28 years of experience in the public markets as a financial and marketing consultant, a corporate founder, and manager of numerous early-stage public and private businesses. His industry expertise includes mining, publishing, financial services, hospitality, technology, alternative energy, and health care. He is currently a director of Universal Copper Ltd., Xplore Resources Corp., and ScreenPro Security Ltd. Mr. Hyland has an extensive network of contacts within the financial community including brokers, fund managers, industry analysts and media, throughout North America, the United Kingdom and continental Europe. He earned a Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurial Management from Royal Roads University of Victoria, B.C., Canada.



Mr. Wilson is a geologist and has over 30 years of experience including exploration, development, reserve drilling and resource estimating, feasibility studies, mine permitting and development. Foster is a former member of technical services group at Placer Dome Exploration 1990-1999 and has worked in various capacities for Echo Bay, American Bonanza Gold, and various junior exploration companies. Foster currently serves as President of Mesa Exploration Corp. and is on the board of Alpha Lithium Corporation. Mr. Wilson attended the University of Nevada's Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering.

Richard 'Dick' Dorman

Independent Director

Mr. Dorman's experience spans more than 46 years and covers all aspects of mineral exploration. He has extensive experience with sediment-hosted mineralized deposits in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. He was previously the Vice-President, Exploration at Universal Uranium Ltd., he also worked for Getchell Gold Corporation (a division of Placer Dome), and with uranium explorers Plateau Resources and Atlas Minerals as well as producers such as Areva S.A., now Orano Mining.



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